Monday 9 May 2011

Question Two: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

The second evaluation question we were set was to look at our two ancillary texts and evaluate how effective it became with the production of our short films. The two ancillary tasks I carried out were the postcard and short film review page.


I believe my postcard was effective due to its style, layout and presentation. The theme of the picture presented on the front reflects a mood upon the viewer due to its low brightness image. This puts more of a depressing mood giving the audience an idea of what the film is trying to represent.

Also the text I believe creates a good effect as it relates to the theme due to its simple yet interesting style.

The picture itself was also effective as it shows this location is an important part within the film, where Lucieanne tends to carry out her bullying. This gives the audience something to familiarize themselves with, as well as understand the importance of it.

The information at the back such as cast and production team is effective as it was used within the film credits. It shows the importance of each member and who they represent, as well as familiarize the audience with the whole production.

The tag line I have placed on the front of the postcard I believe is hugely effective as this is the main attraction to the film, as it worded interestingly leading to the viewer questioning and wanting to know more on the film.

Short Film Review Page

My second ancillary task was a short film review page in which I believe is very effective towards our film, Karma. This is due to various reasons; the picture, text, and information.

The picture shows Lucieanne exiting her house giving a clear view of her mood due to her facial expressions. This gives the idea of how effective this scene is due to her later actions in school.

The text gives a detailed explanation of the film however brief enough to not give away the whole plot. This is important as audiences prefer to be surprised rather than already know what is to happen within the film, it reflects well on our film as it helps give a good understanding with the film’s meaning.

The information such as cast at the start of the pgae reflects on the film as it shows the important roles played within the film, familiarizing the audience with the importance of each member.

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