Sunday 8 May 2011

Question Three: What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Once the short film, postcard and short film review page had been completed, as a group we began to collect feedback on each of our products. This I believe is a key part in the post-production part of the task as it gives the chance for each person to realise what they had done well, or what they could improve.

Once asking classmates their views on our final product, as a group we realised where we went wrong within the production of our film, however also where our best contributions were.

The main negative feedback we received was to do with the ending of our film. This was because as an audience, the majority of them were confused to what the message was when the film ended, leading us to think we could have improved the way we tried to send across the message to the viewer. Another point brought up was the lack of extras, however as earlier written about, this was already discussed upon and there wasn’t much we could have done within the time we had.

As well as the bad points, we received many compliments, mainly about the way we used our music; the integration and the variety of locations; how they suited the film.

Audience Feedback

If we had the chance to do this task again, within the film production I would have adjusted the way we sent out the message of the film. This would be to help the audience to understand and familiarise themselves with the message a lot earlier and easier. This came up in our feedback a few times therefore for me it became a big issue as the message of the film is the most important part of the film, so if it isn’t easy for the audience to pick up, the film can not be as much of a success as it potentially could me.

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