Tuesday 7 September 2010

Post 4: Genre as a Media Concept

There are many different types of genre's used for all types of media production. They fall under the categories of:

  • Horror
  • Action

  • Comedy

  • Romantic

  • Rom-Com

  • Thriller
  • Adventure

  • Documentary

  • Drama

  • Family

  • Musical, and many more.
Genre is used to name films under certain categories, for example, horror, action etc. Genre films are mostly driven by studio and market demands. This is done by the producer’s researching on the public, using box office records to help them. They would look up which films have done well, then look at what genre’s they were, that way they knew what the majority of the public preferred making their film a success too. Therefore, more types of these films would be made until their ratings decrease.Genre also helps with the production and marketing of a film. It assists the producers in what their films should contain and relate to in order to fulfil audience expectations of each genre.
Genre’s also need to be able to go along with the trend of their descriptions, however also be able to create a twist, meaning for example a horror movie would need dark and scary things but in order to create a twist they would add more of a depth to it, this is in order to help the genre staying in popularity otherwise the public would get bored of the same things repeating themselves.
In order to establish a genre, producers must be able to create certain conventions which the audience can familiarise themselves with.

Robert Altman tries to encourage us that 'genres are defined by producers and are easily recognised by audiences. ' This I believe is true as producers always pick a genre to produce and market using conventions from previous films, which are then easily recognised by audiences as they are already familiar with them from experience of other films in the chosen genre.

Altman also argues whether genre should be pronounced as a noun or an adjective. Personally i believe genre has relevance to both as "genre" is a describing word to put other genre's into a category meaning it has the same understanding as an adjective, however it can also be named a noun as the word "genre" is a name to cover such things as horror and thriller being adjectives themselves.

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