Tuesday 2 November 2010

Post 7: Create Your Own Script

My script has a theme of child abuse. I chose this topic as it was one I had personal experience, therefore came from the heart which I thought would have a real impact on the audience.

When I begun planning my script, I focused on six main things giving my story an outline helping myself in future planning. They included: a world; a problem; a character; a beginning; a need; and a want. This helps get more of an understanding to the main plot of the film and more of an insight to the main character.

Next we were given an eight way thinking table by our teacher in order to improve the planning of our film.

The rest of the planning went pretty easily as the planning I had already done provided stability for my ideas, as well as the fact that my idea was extremely personal therefore came from the heart, the only obstacle being my memory. I simply wrote down all the main events in my life crossing out parts less important than others, then included those left onto my script.

To help us receive a wider thought of creativity for the production of our film, our teacher recommended our class to watch the film Signs. It has an extremely simple message however leaves a big effect on the audience due to its different use of techniques. Signs did particularly well as a short film when entered in the Schweppes short film festival, drawing in a larger more mature audience.

Whilst watching Signs, our teacher regularly paused it in order for us to guess what we thought was going to happen next, this helped us to think from an audience’s point of view of how the plot for the films we are set to create could turn out to be, meaning we could decide to either make it predictable for the audience to have an outer gist of what was going to happen, or to make it totally unpredictable in order for them to stay intrigued to what happens next, but this will mean that the story has to be up to their standards throughout in order for them to stay and pay good attention.

This film encouraged me to leave audiences with a feel of sadness bringing more emotion therefore attraction to its deep meaning. Therefore I chose a well known topic which seems to hit the public when revealed about, as it occurs quite regularly and many want more consideration into.

As the film completed, my class had a mixture of suggestions to how it would finish, however the majority agreeing to one aspect, a negative one. This brought more concentration to the video as it created confusion as to what was going to happen therefore more attraction, learning this I thought it would be good to add something similar to my film in order to increase its success.

Friday 15 October 2010

Post 6 - What Makes A Good Short Film?

To increase our knowledge in the production of short films, our teacher brought in a professional in this industry, Rebecca Knapp. She is a film producer and has worked with many script writers therefore has good knowledge of how to make our short films a success.

Rebecca taught us about script writing, what is needed in a short film and how to make them effective by handing out various scripts and showing us a few short films she had made herself.

First of all, she taught us about film lengths putting them into brackets of under five minutes, 5-12 minutes, and then up to 30 minutes.

If a short film was to have a length of five minutes or under producers can not develop into anything, such as a character or a big plot/storyline therefore planning into the film and script has to be done carefully as there can’t be too much to them.

The next length of five to twelve minutes can have more of a plot as well as a slight more depth into the main character(s) however still limited.

A length of twelve to thirty minutes film would have a storyline a lot more developed and a more depth portrait of certain characters. Another story line may be included as well as more main characters to enhance the film's meaning.

Rebecca Knapp also gave us two scripts followed by showing us both the scripts films. We first of all read the script and then had to watch the film to see whether it went along with our thoughts on the script; whether we imagined it to be similar to the film, or had a different image of what it would be like. Also, the film was shown to help us get an idea of what short films are set to be like, as they have a lower budget and less time than films with a longer duration. With these sources given to us, i found out that short films are a lot less developed than i thought, some have a lot more less dialogue, whilst others have an increase of music to represent the message being given.

The first script we read and then watched was called 'Donna.' Its severe lack of dialogue personally made me lose interest as it gave it less of an understanding therefore lack of concentration. However this helped me with my own script as it made me realise more dialogue would help its attraction and popularity.

The second script we read and viewed was called 'Does God Play Football.' This film contained a lot more dialogue, and had a depth-ful meaning to its storyline, giving me the impression that although short films can not go into too much depth of anything, they can still have a short yet meaningful story.

Tuesday 21 September 2010

Post 5: Audience Theory and My Short Film

To help increase our knowledge on short films, our teacher brought in a professional in short films to speak to us about them and how they work. Her name is Becky Knapp, she is involved with the film industry as a producer. During this lesson, she showed us some of the films she had worked on and explained how she made them successful.

The first film I saw was named, About A Girl. It won a BAFTA award in the year 2001 and was directed by Brian Percival with a length of nine minutes and fifty-two seconds.

Negotiated Hegemonic - The difference in audience views can also lead to a variety of questions needing to be confirmed about the film in order to understand the true moral of the story. The main audience will have a different understanding than those of the producers so will have to adapt to the original meaning.

Oppositional Hegemonic - The message in this film can be interpreted in many ways. Audiences will most likely blame the mother for neglecting her child even though the preferred meaning of the film is to put the blame on the girl as she stays too secretive. The younger age race can relate to such stories possible from personal experience increasing its popularity.

Dominant Hegemonic - About A Girl brings amazement to the audience as the ending to the story is set to do. No one prepares for it bringing an entire new feeling to the film however it brings understanding to the films perception. It also brings in confusion leading to many questions to why the events had happened e.t.c.

Moral Panic - About A Girl threatens the social impact of female teenagers. This pressures feelings of being selfish and under-educated towards similar people causing a wider controversial stereotype enforcing more questions to be asked in relation to this short film.

Profile the Target Audience: The film has won many awards including Best Short Film Winner 2001 in the BAFTA's and Edinburgh International Film Festival 2001. This clearly indicates that a lot of work had been done into its research for it to become such a success. The BAFTA's Best Short Film Award was set up in order to encourage the essential growth and development of new talent within the British film industry in which the producers of this film have benefited from majorly.

Viewing Environment - Short films are shown mostly at film festivals; this is where they gain their popularity. The audience here are more convenient for them as they are focused only on the film rather than any other disturbances you would get at home for example. However the disadvantage to this is that there is only a limited audience, this is because short films aren’t really advertised therefore the majority of times, it is usually the same type of audience rather than a different variety.

Film four also air short films on their channel although as they already have a specific target market however it does help to increase its popularity even though it would not be as much as other channels, for example, BBC1.

You can also argue that audiences to both Film Four and Film Festivals are both the same. This is because they both have a set target market and stick to that, also because the audience are mainly focused on the film, therefore cannot find any disturbances to distract them and under-rate the film.

The second film I saw was named Cubs. It was directed by Tom Harper and produced by Lisa Williams, with a length of nine minutes and forty-nine seconds.

I noticed a dominant hegemonic representation behind this film as the story line behind the film is quite clear making the audience easily understand the preferred meaning offered by the text. It shows a youngster wanting to join a crew of older teenagers; however it comes at a price which by many audiences would be seen as horrific. This is easily understood by the audience as there have been similar story lines in popular TV shows, giving a stereotype for such people.

The film shows a youngster wanting to join a crew of older people which they say can become possible only if he shoots dead a fox. The audience can easily view his hesitations and unwillingness nevertheless his desire to link with the crew comes to a bigger value to him. This shows how some people can be peer-pressured into things they are reluctant to do in certain areas increasing negative stereotypes for many.

Due to the depth of the events in the film, it would increase stereotypes for such people. Many would now think that this occurs on a regular, common basis, giving a false hype towards teenagers.

The third film I'd watched was called Celebration, produced by Daniel Stedman. With a duration of only four minutes and fourty nine seconds, the film focuses on the relationship between a mother and her child. Being shown from the boy's point of view, it reveals a journey of the child exposing his sexuality to a certain group of people, ending with reactions of happiness and applauding by the adults in the group.

Daniel Stedman shows a stereotypical role of a mother towards her child; caring and loving.

The third film I'd watched was called Celebration, produced by Daniel Stedman. With a duration of only four minutes and forty nine seconds, the film focuses on the relationship between a mother and her child.

Daniel Stedman shows a stereotypical role of a mother towards her child; caring and loving, however through character movement rather than dialogue making it harder to understand in some ways. Although due to the chosen character movements, it is easier to understand what Steadman is implying, such as the mum smiling and applauding her child showing her parental love, a well known stereotype.

However, when the boy reveals his sexuality it brings a complete shock to the audience leading to a different view of the film. Apart from this, the film comes across as a dominant hegemonic as its preferred meaning by the producers is easily understood by the audience.

The final film I watched was called Wasps. Produced in 2003 by Andrea Arnold, it lasts for a total time of 24 minutes and 13 seconds. Although it only won only one award in its first year, it picekd up many more in the next few years including Best International Short Film and an Academy Award for Live Action Short Film, showing the impact it had as well as its realistic story line.

The film shows a struggling single mother trying to prove her children will not be an obstacle for her pursuit of retrieving her relationship with her ex-boyfriend.

The film shows a dominant hegemonic representation as the film is easily understood due to its stereotype. Many people are familiar with the events therefore can understand what the mother is going through, getting the message produced by the film across to all audiences.

The target audience would preferably be the older more mature people as they would more likely understand and familiarise themselves with the characters involved. They can also relate to it as the mother struggles to deal with her kids as well as other events, which many people stereotypically do. However the film brings a negative as well as positive stereotype towards single mothers.

Tuesday 7 September 2010

Post 4: Genre as a Media Concept

There are many different types of genre's used for all types of media production. They fall under the categories of:

  • Horror
  • Action

  • Comedy

  • Romantic

  • Rom-Com

  • Thriller
  • Adventure

  • Documentary

  • Drama

  • Family

  • Musical, and many more.
Genre is used to name films under certain categories, for example, horror, action etc. Genre films are mostly driven by studio and market demands. This is done by the producer’s researching on the public, using box office records to help them. They would look up which films have done well, then look at what genre’s they were, that way they knew what the majority of the public preferred making their film a success too. Therefore, more types of these films would be made until their ratings decrease.Genre also helps with the production and marketing of a film. It assists the producers in what their films should contain and relate to in order to fulfil audience expectations of each genre.
Genre’s also need to be able to go along with the trend of their descriptions, however also be able to create a twist, meaning for example a horror movie would need dark and scary things but in order to create a twist they would add more of a depth to it, this is in order to help the genre staying in popularity otherwise the public would get bored of the same things repeating themselves.
In order to establish a genre, producers must be able to create certain conventions which the audience can familiarise themselves with.

Robert Altman tries to encourage us that 'genres are defined by producers and are easily recognised by audiences. ' This I believe is true as producers always pick a genre to produce and market using conventions from previous films, which are then easily recognised by audiences as they are already familiar with them from experience of other films in the chosen genre.

Altman also argues whether genre should be pronounced as a noun or an adjective. Personally i believe genre has relevance to both as "genre" is a describing word to put other genre's into a category meaning it has the same understanding as an adjective, however it can also be named a noun as the word "genre" is a name to cover such things as horror and thriller being adjectives themselves.

Post 3

My five targets:
In order to achieve full ambition, I have set myself five detailed targets on what i want to achieve and how I would make each target possible.

1- My first target i would like to achieve, is to be up to date, if not ahead, on my blogger. I believe this could benefit me in many different ways as it would prepare me for any other tasks such as filming and producing in the future. The research and preparation put into the blogger, will help me in the practical part of my work, expanding my knowledge on many things which i could use in these practical tasks.

2- My second target is to memorise all the different technical terms used in Media Studies, for example, camera movements and editing clips. This would help benefit me as it would expand my knowledge helping me to create an improved clip with numerous ideas and higher quality filming. I will reach this target by watching clips which include different variations of filming and researching each term significantly in order to memorise and benefit.

3- My third target would be to improve and take pre-production more seriously and responsibly. This is because if its done well, then it would help the production part significantly. it could help improve and give more ideas without all the hassle after. Therefore if the research was done in each pre-production task, it would give us the knowledge and preparation to improve our task using many different talents we have learnt. I would do this by researching each task set more and planning in a lot more detail, using each aspect of filming in its own unique way.

4- Another target would be to cut time-spending when filming. Last year we wasted a lot of time whilst filming simply because some were not taking this specific part serious enough. This affected the rest of the production as we had very little time to complete the other tasks. I would achieve this target by picking actors who would take this part seriously, as well as being more determined to finish it quickly in order to aid the further part of the task.

5- My final target is to use the edit suite comfortably, meaning i would be familiar with everything and know how to work it. This would help with time consummation, aiding me to finish the task or start on another earlier than expected. I would do this by using some old clips and experimenting with them, this would help me to become familiar with each effect and tool needed when editing.

Within a group, we were set to make a table with a range of different skills we had used whilst creating our main and prelim task, these include: Digital Technology; Research and Planning; Post Production; and Conventions within - Cognitive Skills; Technical Skills; and Interpersonal Skills. Once we finished writing all we thought of, we filmed our work whilst commentating on each part giving an explanation to each section.


Above is the link to the video my group made in which the table showing the different skills are described.

Monday 19 July 2010

Post Two

Introduction to Creativity

On this post, i will represent my ideas and other ideas of creativity, including definitions and a short clip on how i had decided to become creative.

Definitions of Creativity:

The ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, interpretations, etc.; originality, progressiveness, or imagination: the need for creativity in modern industry; creativity in the performing arts. dictionary.com

Creativity is the ability to generate innovative ideas and manifest them from thought into reality. Wikipedia

After researching definitions of the word creativity, i made my own in order to help my understanding.

My own definition of the word creativity is that of your own thinking different to that of others. Therefore some people may come up with ideas completely the opposite and abnormal to others.

The Pen - creativity film

In order to help our creativity, we were set out to make a minute clip featuring a pen where we had to be as creative as we wished. The rest of the planning and ideas were rest to us as students, where we had to decide a story line involving a pen, characters, camera movements etc. However one disadvantage to this task we had, was the short time period we were given to think and produce this clip. I personally believe that if i had more time, i could have come up with something more creative.

Below is a link referring to the clip i had made as part of this task.


Wednesday 23 June 2010

Post 1

We need to understand the meaning of the word "skill," this is to help us with the preparation for our exam.

The links below are definitions of the word "skill" i found on the Internet.




My own definition of the word "skill": skill is when someone is perfect at a certain thing, for example being able to play football superior to others.