Thursday 6 January 2011


Developing the script for my idea was a lot harder than I originally thought it would be. This was because I wanted the best outcome possible therefore what to include or not include became a hard decision as I had to think from the audience’s perspective and see what would affect them most due to it being my main aim. I did this by using notes I made during my lessons as well as notes I made myself which could possibly help influence my final script.

(Include image of me writing all events)

This image shows all events I thought of including to my final piece. However, I realised there were too many to insert into our six minute short film, therefore cut the majority of them leaving only main events and events which will leave an impression on the audience.

I also made a character profile for each member of the family in order to refresh my memory and help with how they would act and/or respond to the film’s events. Back grounds, interests, hobbies were all included as well as other information I thought could be useful when relating to my film.

Once finishing each character profile, I felt pretty much ready to produce my script as it helped me get a clear and refreshed memory of how everything was.

Now all that needed planning was the location and surroundings of the main character, this included the council estate, friends nearby, the poor surroundings reflecting on how each character was brought up and possibly why each turned out to deal with everything they had to. To help with this part of the planning, we were given an eight-way thinking table to help us acknowledge more of the background for the main character. They consisted of eight words: feelings, words, people, nature, sights, number, sounds and actions; in which I had to write as many questions under them as possible then answer them in order to help realise the true significance of every issue raised as well as raising awareness to what most needs to be put in order to fulfil the tasks of this short film. An example being, under the topic “feelings,” I wrote the question, “How do the other characters respond to when the main character suffers abuse from his parents?” This was a big issue within the storyline as it showed that there was not much help for the main character and made me realise that this should also be included within the story as it brings a strong true meaning to the audience, an aim I wished to carry throughout.

I carried on with some research by investigating into social workers who had failed with dealings with victims of child abuse. This was to help get a wider knowledge of what occurs when they take on such claims however as this was a personal issue, the majority of the intelligence came from my own experience and knowledge. One story which however did stand out was the country-shocking news of 'Baby P,’ this story was extremely useful and helped support me through the planning stage of the film as it revealed a lot of the failings by social services, such as their failings to learn he was abused, something I could use to help relate to and encourage including it into my story. The link below gives a detailed explanation of the Baby Peter case where you can see its relation and inspiration to my short film.

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